Tag Archives | world-cup

England In The World Cup 2014

So… How was England in The World Cup 2014 – pretty much the same as they always have been – completely shite. Someone mentioned it must be nice to have your own home country to support in the World Cup rather than being a Malaysian you have to pick a team by random. I said […]

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And That’s It..The FIFA World Cup 2010 In South Africa Is OVER

Life can resume now, all those 5-6am bedtimes can go away and perhaps we can all catch up on our sleep debt. Spain for the first time in history have reached the final of the World Cup AND won it! The game last night between the Netherlands and Spain was a little underwhelming, but sadly […]

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Random Post #6 – World Cup Fever, Tiles & FOOD

So what’s been happening lately? Well most of Earth has ground to a halt during World Cup season, I’ve been sleeping when it’s time to wake up and feeling dead most days often taking naps between midnight and 2.30am. Drat those late games! There’s been some really tedious matches and some fantastic ones, the last […]

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Depressed, that’s all I need to say. RIP England, just another 4 years of shame before we get embarrassed again in Brazil 2014. BTW for those debating the facts, the 2nd England goal DEFINITELY WAS NOT IN. See proof: I would have liked to have seen an Argentina vs Germany final, but it’s coming up […]

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The World Cup 2010 – Does England Stand A Chance?

Well judging by the face of the fans after the drawing 0-0 in Algeria game what do you think? And drawing 1-1 with USA…honestly it’s not looking very good is it? Rooney was pissed off with the fans, and the fans were pissed off with Rooney..which The Sun labelled the Roo-Boo-Zela LOL. He wasn’t really […]

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Win by cheating, professional divers. The guy didn’t even touch him…he dodged the tackle then tripped up his own feet and dived. Let’s hope he’s banned and fined. He should have got a red card for his stunt, not a spot kick.. What a move..bummer for Australia, they played such a brave game. Almost 60% […]

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At any local mamak near you… Cinapek1: GOALLLLLLLLL Cinapek2: WOOOAHHHHHH Cinapek1: Ah hor, wait ah, no goal no goal Cinapek2: Wat loh no goal hor? Cinapek1: It OUTSIDE Cinapek2: Huh, OUTSIDE?! Cinapek1: Yah OUTSIDE Cinapek2: Oh hor…yah OUTSIDE Cinapek1: Yah loh…OUTSIDE Together: Ah OUTSIDE OUTSIDE BTW USA vs Italy was probably the most exciting and […]

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