The Christmas Experience

Well here goes…gonna be long and lots of pics so be prepared.

Took Friday off, spent most of the day trying to pay my summons. I mean what kind of bullshit is that, I want to pay the freaking things but I can’t…the papers said all counters would be open ’til 6pm as they are having a clampdown…they lied. I went to a booth in 1U which was offline, I then went to PJ police HQ, the counter closed at 3pm. I mean people have to work you know, how the hell are we supposed to pay. Also the online payment system never works. It’s all crap. I think I’ll write to the star.


Did some last minute xmas shopping too, and had a nice lunch at a local italian joint.

Mushroom soup

And a good pizza

After that went and grabbed some stuff for the party, beers and ice and some ribena, to make vodka ribena.

Was a bit late to the party, in typical Malaysian style, but it was still warming up when I got there, so it’s all good.

It was Carol’s birthday so we chipped in and got her a present, a weighing scale, hahahaha, good job it’s not the voice type or when she got on it would say ‘One at a time please’

We had awesome bbq food (Marinated lamb, chicken wings, hot dogs, potatoes, mushrooms and corn)

A huge amount of alchohol was consumed

Everyone got drunk…really drunk..

Here you can see a few of the guys that knocked us about

We had a lot of laughs, the Faggot was on top form, and Wa Chai was hilarious.

The gift exchange was really fun, everyone bought a gift, budget 10rm, and they were put in the living room. When the time came, 19 tags were made with numbers on and everyone chose a number.

You got to choose a present when your number came (I was pretty unlucky I got number 4), then when you had chosen yours, you could take any of the presents before you, or choose a new one.

There was some funny ones like Wa Chai was number 1, and he chose the biggest gift…greedy boy, he ended up with a bottle of coke and a couple of packets of crisps craftilly wrapped in a plastic bag to look like something interesting hahahaha.

After 12 had passed and we’d done the gift exchange a few people left and just the hardcore remained attempting to make each fall down and finish all the liquor.

Later still we played Chor Dai Dee, your choice was press-ups, sit-ups or squats. 1 per card, 10+ double, 13 cards would mean 39. We were all a bit drunk for that though 😀

Finally passed out at about 5am I think. I decided driving back would definately not be a smart thing to.

The morning after we cleaned up..

It was a truly awesome party, thanks everyone for coming, thanks everyone for having a good time and helping me enjoy xmas here big time.

Full photo gallery is found here: Xmas Party 2004

Woke up early at 9am to go for breakfast, the famous pork noodles, read the paper, had a headache, normal stuff.

Went back and tidied up, washed up the stuff and straightened everything out, headed home to have a shower then as I was stinking, totally minging.

Back out after that, saw a lot of furniture sales in the paper so went to check some of them out, saw a nice sofa, think I might go and get it later.

Had A&W’s after that, great ice cream waffle!

Was feeling a bit sleepy after that so we just chilled at my place, watched some Ali G and chatted.

Watched White Chicks after that too, OMG that film is hilarious, we laughed our asses off.

Went to Misai for a while later, had a xmas day burger and some ikan bakar (no beer sadly).

Then went to KY’s hooked up my lappy and played DOTA ’til the early morning 🙂

Then it’s now…I’m pretty hungry so I need to go out and get some food, maybe go and get the sofa too.

This is what xmas is for me, friends and loved one, fun, food and a lot of laughs.

Thanks to all involved.

Merry Xmas everyone.

Continue Reading · 6 Comments · Food/Eating, General Nonsense

Newsflash: Shaolin almost dies of heart attack..

Well there I was…standing on the balcony having a cancer stick, when lo and behold I was like OMFG WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CAR, IT’S GONE..

I had parked my car here:

Had it been stolen? Had it been towed away?

No, fortunately it just happened to be an optical illusion..the car was perfectly hidden behind the bastard tree!

My heart actually started beating I rushed downstairs to see if it was true, and there was my beauty, just as I’d parked it, phew!

The car…and the bastard heart tremour causing tree:

I’m doing some work today, how weird is that?

Anyway, I called Stimx just now, and they have a port free so I’ll be connected to the world soon, which will be like TOTALLY AMAZING…yeah, rock on, bring on DOTA[/url] at home (and live pr0n streams), I can’t wait 🙂

They said 1-2 weeks, so that’s ok.

Dialup officially sucks, I connected to Jaring last night at 12Kpbs..

Did some chrimbo shopping last night, ran out of time though, malls should close at midnight, cos you get there like 7.30 (straight from work) then have dinner..leaves you only just over an hour for shopping.

Had dinner at Nando’s, the best chicken salads in the world! (The only place I’ve found a spicy salad! Apart from those I make)

Followed by a half chicken, man I was stuffed, but it’s Christmas, to hell with it!

Hung around for a while in TGIF, apparently Chilis is much better.

I also think you should all print out multiple copies of this, and use them at your will:


Will post something meaningful soon I think.

BTW BlogExplosion Readers, Welcome, come again soon, or don’t just stay here for 30 seconds and never return…really it’s up to you, but reading my blog will enrich your life, there is no doubt.

If you are from BE or not, and you want to read the ‘serious’ things I wrote you should check the Deep Thoughts[/url] section.

I got my first comment spam today too, that sux0rs!

Continue Reading · 15 Comments · Food/Eating, General Nonsense

Vegetarians and MEAT

There are many arguments for and against Vegetarianism and Veganism, I just felt like talking about them a bit today.

Veggies say if you you’ve been to a slaughter house and seen the animals killed it will put you off meat…Not really, I’ve been to a slaughterhouse before.

Yes it stunk, was I disturbed or put off from eating meat? No..

I’ve killed an animal with my bare hands before.

I’ve butchered a rabbit with a knife before.

Yes I’ve been to a battery chicken farm, so no I don’t support battery farmed products. Because that is inhumane.

I like freerange and organic stuff, it’s a bit more expensive but at least the animals were healthy and happy before they were butchered into my steak.

I like meat, and the animals that I eat wouldn’t exist if they weren’t going to be eaten. They are bred to be slaughtered, butchered and consumed.

Yes it maybe sad, but to quote, I haven’t pushed my way to the top of the food chain to become a vegetarian.

I just have to voice some annoyances aswell.

Ok there are two main things that REALLY annoy me about vegetarians and vegans.

1) Veg* people that wear leather products. Shoes, belts anything. I always ask them why they are vegetarian, moral, health, don’t like the taste/smell etc. If it’s moral I’ll say ‘So what are your shoes made out of?’ reply is usually something like ‘Emm…leather…’


2) A similar sort of thing, fake meat.

Vegetarian BACON?!? Meat replacements, texture same…vegetarian sausages…vegetarian meat

People who eat these things are ridiculous. You obviously really WANT to eat meat if you are eating this cr@p, so just do it. Stop lying to yourself.

There are plenty of great vegetarian food you can eat without using crappy fake meat.

Guilt is by intent not action, if you want to eat the fucking meat, just eat it, stop pussy-footing around. Like if you ate meat by accident, you didn’t know it’s not so bad as wanting to eat meat but not eating it.

I make sure I am vegetarian for 1 day a week where possible..I dunno why I guess it feels healthy now and then.

But if I don’t get my meat regularly I get pale and pasty like those other faggot veggies.

As for Vegans

Essential Amino Acids!!!!!

A person who is truly vegan cannot survive because they are not getting any Essential Amino Acids.

Amino Acids are molecules that are used to make protein. Our bodies can synthesise most of the Amino Acids that we require, but there are a few that we cannot make for ourselves: these are the ones called Essential Amino Acids, because it is essential that we get them in our diet.

The only problem is that Essential Amino Acids are not found in any plant or vegetable matter: they are only found in animal products, and therefore to survive we MUST eat animal products. This means that although it is possible to be a healthy vegetarian, true vegans will get less and less healthy and will evenually die through protein deficiency.

What about all the vegans who have been around for years and still look healthy? Here’s the thing: they must be getting their Essential Amino Acids from somewhere! Whether it’s weevils in their rice, or eating spiders in their sleep (we each eat an average of 8 spiders per year in our sleep), or taking supplement pills (which, incidentally, are made from animal product), they are getting some form of animal product and therefore cannot be considered to be true vegans.

Yeah unhealthy bastards!


On some other unrelated notes…I got the phone line in yesterday and it works, awesome! Can surf from home and make phone calls and stuff.

Filled my face with crabs last night, which was nice.

Then we went to Swensens and had 2 Earthquakes (Tuesdays all day 1/2 price Earthquake day), 8 big scoops of ice cream and 8 different toppings with cherries and cream.

There is a new worm out today too targetting phpBB version previous to 2.0.11, more info HERE, the lesson is keep updating 🙂

Also if you have a Blog you should join BlogExplosion, it’s pretty cool. You get to surf loads of blogs and then people get to see yours, I’ve found some neat blogs and some interesting people. So sign up to BlogExplosion if you are bored and get surfing.

SFDC finally reached 20,000 members too, woohoo, great work guys 🙂
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Torrent Sites Under Attack by MPAA

The infamous Torrent site[/url] went down yesterday along with[/url] seemingly under pressure from the MPAA who have vowed to go after the Torrent sites[/url].

TheRegister reported on the story HERE[/url] and Slashdot HERE.

MPAA of course being the Motion Picture Association,[/url]

BitTorrent, developed in 2001 by Bram Cohen, speeds file transfers by segmenting the content and downloading parts from multiple users according to who offers the fattest pipes to your machine. As you receive a file, so other BitTorrent users are able to grab it from you in the same way. The idea is to ensure a more even sharing of bandwidth between participants.

It’s not a classic P2P application in the sense that it’s about improving download performance rather than sharing files per se. Files are found not through the application itself but through links on websites. These trigger the code to download the content, grabbing files where possible from peers rather than the initial server.[/url]

The client I use is BitTornado which you can get here,[/url]

Torrents are a great way to share legal files aswell such as Linux ISO’s and other larger open source software releases, they have gotten bad press from their usage in the typical P2P application of spreading pirated software and bootlegged movies.

There are still numerous other sites hosting torrents, some of which are outside the jurisdiction of the draconian U.S. laws.

You can read some humourous legal threats here[/url]

Torrent sites technically don’t actually host anything illegal, the ‘Torrent’ files themselves are just hashes of the small bits of the file you wish to download in text format, which enables you to download the actual file itself. But the MPAA et al have such power they can make your life hell, so for the guys hosting the sites, without legal superpowers and a shit load of cash, it’s not really feasible for them to fight.

For those interested there is a Suprnova mirror here[/url] and there are plenty of other sites I’m sure you’ll have no problem finding.

On another note, phone line should be going in this afternoon, so I’ll be connected, I just want it on before Christmas day so I can call my Mom!

Wanted to eat crab last night, but the damn resturant was closed, maybe will make it tonight.

Was up late last night finishing a stupid presentation, or at least trying to.

Continue Reading · 1 Comment · Hacking & Infosec

The weekend, the curtain rail and sweat!

Well Friday I had a rotten gut, so I didn’t make it to work, gave me an opportunity to get my snapped anti-roll bar fixed though.

There was a horrible knocking noise, and I had a look under the wheel arch to see a piece of metal dangling there, which wasn’t good, mentioned here..

I sent the car in Friday, but the part my mechanic had didn’t fit so he had to keep the car ’til Saturday, so I got him to service it too and change the oil. He fixed the back brake-light bulb aswell, but somehow managed to stop the main 2 brake lights working…have to have a word with him about that.

Friday I managed to get fix the holes in the wall and remount the ciplak curtain rail, so it’s back up now and the world and his brother can no longer stare into my living room. I didn’t hang the super heavy curtain again as I feared the curtain rail couldn’t take it, the concrete in the wall prevented me from drilling as deeply as I would like, and I don’t have a super pneumatic drill to kick it’s ass.

But the net is back up, so place is looking pretty cool after I hung up the xmas lights my mom sent me and tidied the place up.

Pic is a bit grainy as it was taken with a long exposure, rather than flash as flash doesn’t look so good.

Went to try and pay my summons too, but the computer was offline and the guy said try PJ State police station, but I had no freaking idea how to get there so I’ll go back to Eneos in 1U this week some time.

Did some other boring crap like paid my 20 bucks worth of electric and water bills (hey I haven’t been there for a month, I’m suprised I managed to use so much)..

I managed to get my much sought after jacjac cushion aswell, rock on!

Saturday night heaved my TV and DVD cinema thing across, sweaty old business that was.

Had to run out and have a beer immediately after, with some not bad Wah tan hor (Cantonese fried noodles).

Sunday slept till late, went for some Banana leaf rice (it’s definately better early in the day), watched a movie for a while and then went to Breakers in Hartamas to watch the National Foosball Competition finals (Single, Doubles and Mixed Doubles). Some pretty awesome players there, I can’t play for crap, I’ve only played twice I think. The faggots are pretty good though, and had some other friends there.

Had a couple of jugs of beer and the company of some pretty hot beer girls, so all was good, went to Misai for a while after and crashed..

Then Monday began…damn monday.

Telephone line should be in by the end of this week, might be able to post at the weekend too 🙂

Oh yeah, I’m sure you all want to see my reindeer too, here is it:

Continue Reading · 10 Comments · General Nonsense

Shaolin Kung-Fu – Bukit Jalil Style

So I went to the Shaolin Kung-Fu show[/url] in Bukit Jalil, and it was even mentioned on Yahoo! News.

Yeah the original ang moh Shaolin master.

The show was cool, started with a traditional lion dance on the plum flower poles (Mei hua Zhuang) from a local club. Very impressive strength and skills and entertaining too.

The only bad point was as it was a charity thing, there was a good 30 minutes of arse licking and Datuk this Datuk that, which we could have done just fine without.

Apart from the Shaolin stuff, there was also a performance from the Malaysian national 24 drum champions, a nice fusion of beats and movement, a very enjoyable experience. Their timing was fantastic.

There was the normal shaolin stuff, spears on throats, spears in stomach, pushing a bus with a spears (this was a new one), lots of flipping and spinning and some impressive iron shirt kung-fu (a fat making taking punches from audience members).

I was with the faggots as usual, I think 8 of us made it to the show.

TheGreatFaggot was contemplating the real meaning of chi-kung and how he should be a monk seen as though he already look like one.

He then proceeded to demonstrate his amazing Iron Head kung-fu.

Then KY proceeded to school him Iron Geek-hand style.

The full photo gallery is HERE. If I get any more pics from Suanie[/url] I’ll post them here.

After that we of course went to Misaiand has some great Nasi Goreng Ayam Kunyit!

More to come…

Continue Reading · 3 Comments · General Nonsense

Racing brakes, sunsets and kung-fu

Not much to write about really, tried to fix the curtain rail last night but there is a concrete layer a few cm into the wall and it was damn hard to drill, the plaster is really extra crumbly too, I’ll try again tommorow night probably.

The curtain rail was held up with fucking WOOD SCREWS can you believe wonder it fell down, wood screws with local fibre wallplugs aswell…not the stronger plastic ones.

I’ve got the drill at my place though so should be fine.

Am going to the Shaolin Kung-fu show[/url] tonight though, so I don’t think I’ll be drilling.

Will post pics, even though my zoom is b0rked because of the stupid E18 thing[/url].

It was only like 11.05 last night aswell and some nosey neighbour came and complained you can’t be drilling at that time of night…I was like wtf, STFU YOU NOOB..but I stopped anyway bleh.

Bah..I miss my TV! I had good company last night though so it was ok.

I added the latest DOTA maps to my download post[/url] aswell, 3.8 BETA 4 and DOTA TE 8.3.

Also put some descriptions to the photos from my moms trip, and I’ve gotten some more from Malacca from Suan[/url] so I’ll add those soon.

I managed to snap another sky pic last night, I’ve uploaded’s not as good as the other 2 but it’s pretty cool still.

Anyway back to the original topic…I fitted some hybrid racing brakes on my car when my brakes wore out a few months ago…I’m not sure which brand they are, but if you have silver wheels I recommend against it.

You end up with wheels like this:

They are supposed to look like this:

I also found out last night there is a place in 1U where you can pay summons, so I’ll go and try and find it…I’ve been copped 3 times on NKVE for speeding 🙁

I want to pay as they are having a clamp down and everyone has to pay before December 31st..if you want to check if you have any summons you can do so at Catcha.

Must remember to send my mom a Christmas card…I think I’ll have to use DHL to get it there in time! Haven’t had lunch yet, no mood to eat today…pissed off with work.

Continue Reading · 5 Comments · General Nonsense

Oceans 12 and more Lala

Grabbed some more lala last night, was very good, Malay style this time from some stalls near my appt, sadly the infamous chicken wings stall wasn’t open…so we missed out on that.

Caught up with some friends, one of which forgot to bring a drill so fixing the curtain rail plan went out the window, I guess we can do it tonight 🙂

Oceans 12[/url] just came out so we decided to go and watch that instead of re-hanging my curtains and moving the TV, far less effort, but with obviously diminished returns.

Not as good as the first one, but entertaining nevertheless. Worth a watch and guarantees a few cheap laughs and ‘woo that’s cool’.

Seems lacking in plot and the originality of the first one (inevitable), just cashing in on the big stars and the name of the first movie to make a shit load of cash. Don’t except any Oscar winning performances or stunning plot twists, it’s not a clever film, but it is fun.

Catherine Zeta-Jones did very well as usual and fitted in seamlessly with the rest of the cast, the performances were good as usual with appearances from a few more class actors (Bruce Willis, Albert Finney and Robbie Coltrane).

It’s pretty much the same as Bridget Jones 2[/url] though, it’s been americanised, commercialised, dumbed down and it’s lost the spark, wit and intriguing twists from the first one. There is some decent character development, a bit of romance and some stupid time wasting (script writer had a block?) like the whole Julia Robers episode.

The first film Oceans Eleven[/url] was very good for a modern remake, they really made the most of a fairly simple concept, the classic ‘Heist’ movie with the trendy ratpack actors.

To summarise this is definately style over content, it’s shot in a very ‘Indie’ style with cool actors, cool sets and cool clothes (Prada sunglasses anyone?). Worth a watch, if you enjoyed the first one you’ll enjoy this, just don’t expect too much, it’s no Bourne Supremacy[/url].

Found a cool Pentagon conspiracy link yesterday too, check it out HERE.

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Continue Reading · 2 Comments · General Nonsense, Movies

Screw Telekom, Noob Drivers and Dodgy Curtain Rails..

Fuck Telekom[/url], fuck them in their stupid asses.

They want a $1075RM deposit because I’m a freaking ang moh…WHAT THE FUCK…

1. Expatriate 1000.00
2. Public 75.00

Like wtf kind of stupid crap is that…I mean a couple of hundred maybe, I can tahan (stand) but over 1000? That’s just ridiculous…

The thing is aswell, I think even if I did pay it the chance of me getting it back is slim to none.

Oh well, they are not so smart…I’m sure I can think of some way to get around it.

And the Noob drivers…I did a lot of driving this weekend visiting various shops, eateries and other such interesting places and I encountered so many fucking noob drivers….good job I am even tempered or I would have grabbed my parang and commited some genocide.


Yeah you know that little stick by the side of your steering wheel, if you push it up or pull it down, some little orange lights (or white if you are an ahbeng) blink on the side of your car INDICATING your intent to manoveur..hence it being called a fucking INDICATOR.

I almost got mowed down by some crazy bint gossiping aswell, my passenger was like ‘OMG she must have done it on purpose’…I was like ‘Look in the fucking car, she isn’t even looking at the road let alone her mirrors’….she was so busy chatting she was looking at the passenger…not concentrating on driving at all.


I also got some temporary curtains last night…so I put them up and duely discovered this morning the curtain rail had promptly fallen off the wall…what is up with THAT? I mean I hung some curtains on there, not a fucking elephant….*sigh* I guess the curtains were too heavy for the ‘curtain’ rail..maybe it should be called a pansy rail (Only use with light curtains).

Anyway I can’t blame the rail, I can blame the ciplak builder who fitted the damn thing, I’ll grab some Polyfilla and wall plugs tonight and try and fix it. If so then I can move my TV in, don’t really want people seeing my phat home cinema.

On a nicer note, my awesome 8ft TV cabinet arrived and the lazy bastards actually delivered on time for once…I wasn’t sitting around for 2 hours like previously. It’s so cool, it’s almost as cool as me (but not quite obviously), the only sore point is some horrible plastic looking chrome feet at the very bottom..I think I’ll paint ’em or cover them with something at least..

On a sweet note, my mom sent me some christmas decorations from UK! Some from our own tree at home, some from my favourite aunts tree and some old skool ones from my grans tree…so touching, thanks mom you are BEST! Oh yeah my aunt sent me a musical reindeer to hang on the tree too, rock on! Will take some pictures tonight 🙂

Ate the lala again last night….damn bloody addictive that stuff.

Stared at the lava lamp for a while too, was cool 🙂

Am looking forwards to tonight yay!

On some other notes, MSN7 Beta is out you can grab it HERE

More information is available here plus custom emoticons etc:[/url]

Colombo doesn’t seem to be a good place to be at the moment either with another bombing at a concert.

Found a really good site for information about phones, reviews and so on, it’s called GSMArena[/url].

And for those of you in KL you can go to the free iPod U2 party December 16th, this Thursday at Zouk, you can get your invites HERE.

Continue Reading · 8 Comments · General Nonsense, Ranting

KL, I am glad to be back…and a Xmas tree! Awesome!

Wow, I haven’t posted for 3 days, I bet you are all getting a little worried eh?

Well as I said, service will be intermittent, especially at the weekends, ’til I get an Internet connection at home anyway.

I have a lot to write so bear with’ll probably be long and rambly.

The adage is true though, abscence makes the heart grow fonder..when you are away from something you miss it more, and when you get back you appreciate it more. I missed KL a lot, the people here, the atmosphere the food…OMG the first day I got back I was even happy to be stuck in a goddamn traffic jam…People in Brunei call a jam 15 cars waiting at the traffic lights..

I have spent most of the week eating, sorry was too busy stuffing my face to take pictures..but I will do over the following weeks 🙂

I have eaten SO much this weekend…it’s been quite disgusting haha, Friday I was off work so I didn’t blog that day either..

Spent the whole of Friday going around doing various domestic things, looking at lights, getting quotes for curtains..after all the first place I went to was cheapest and nicest. The guys seems cool, it’s pretty close to my appt too. I went for some funky modernistic patterns, aight! Cost me the princely sum of $1200RM for the whole place, not bad considering I have a 9ftx7ft patio door. The highest quote was $3300RM OMG! But on the whole they were $1300-1400RM.

Chased up the fella about the TV cabinet, so that should be arriving tonight, fingers crossed. Went back to the place in Kepong with the nice sofa…but sadly they only had it in one cheesin cream and red colour…which wasn’t cool. So off I went.

Then went off to the LDP furniture store near Puchong, I heard it was pretty expensive..and well it is, the Imbi furniture plaza is better. There wasn’t much nice stuff there and it was all slightly over the mark. Had some awesome Taiwan pork chop noodles in SS2 (one of my favourites places).

Spent the evening tidying up.

Friday night decided to go clubbing on the spur of the moment around 1am…after a yum cha/mamak session at Misai with the gang, as Audrey was in town. So off I sped home, got changed and we went to Rush…was there about 45 minutes when the music stopped and the DJ said they had to close early…fucking police raid…was just getting into it as well.

So after that went to one of the faggots houses and had some JW Black label and talked cock.

My car also has developed a weird knocking noise when I cornered suddenly, also a horrible scraping noise sometimes on bumps…I checked under the wheel arch and OMG WTF there was something dangling there knocking on the axle…I suspected it was something suspension related…and it was..

Saturday morning (or afternoon by the time I woke up), I went off to my mechanic and he whipped the dangly part out, turned out it was the anti-roll bar…he’ll give me a call when he gets a new one in. Car will be fine without it, just not so sturdy when cornering on the nearside. Exhaust also rasps at 4,000rpm…so I’ll have him check that, I guess it’s a resonant frequency of something metallic and it’s causing that horrible BBQ set ahbeng[/url] exhaust sound.

After that got stuck in a resturant opposite the workshop because of torrential rain..once I’d escaped I headed off to Ikea! (Prounounced Eye-Keah, like Idea…not Ik-eyah)…spent an absolute fortune! But got loads of great stuff…matts, clocks, shiny things, stuff for the kitchen, glasses, mugs a huge and cool black and white print to hang in the living room, waste-paper bins, tea-light holders and so on…seen as though I was there had to indulge in some Ikea style meatballs with cranberry sauce, man those are great!

After that headed off to Tescos, as it’s near by, bought some pillows, towels, bed linen, cleaning stuff and a few other bits and pieces…managed to blow about 1000 bucks in Ikea and Tescos…ROCK ON! Seemed like a lot after I looked at the paltry 2 ringgit left in my wallet after…but after looking at my appt and all the cool things I got…really it’s not much.

The star purchase of Saturday was definately the most awesome Christmas tree and decorations!

The naked tree:

With tinsel:

With the works:

In the dark with the lights:

Cool as hell right!

As a side note, someone mentioned to me that I should enquire about the facing of my clock as clock sounds similar to ‘funeral‘ in Cantonese.

To set this straight I enquired…and got the relevant info from those in the know. Clock on it’s own doesn’t sound like funeral, but ‘give clock‘ does. Give clock in Cantonese is ‘sung chung‘ and ‘sung shung‘ in the correct context, means those people who accompany you in death. Grandmas would thus say, it’s not a good idea to give clocks as a present…which still holds true, the facing of the clock with a room, appt or house however has no relevance. So Neh!

I have been looking everywhere for a freaking sofa, it seems impossible to find one that satisfies all 3 criteria (I don’t ask for much):

[list][*]Looks good
[*]Is comfortable
[*]Is within my budget[/list]The most common seems to be either looks damn cool… and is uncomfortable as hell, or comfortable as hell but costs a freaking fortune.

I went to Lorenzo…awesome, sofas that cost $16,000RM…Fuck you noobs…

I actually ate so many times on Saturday I can no longer even seperate the eating..see Sumo Shaolin this time next week!

Also…I have no bitten my nails forever…must be like almost a week now, there are visible white bits…so cool. I have very proportionate hands, so it seems like a terrible thing to diminish their aesthetic value by chomping my nails off.

I SO MISSED DRIVING MY CAR…perhaps that’s why the anti-roll bar snapped…cos I’ve been hammering it a bit…oh well!

By the time I woke up on Sunday it was almost over…so I went out to eat, again I can’t even remember what I had. Went to check out some more sofa places, at dinner at KTZ in SS2, nice Szechuan noodles and fried stuff (Yam cake, dumplings etc) and big Sago to finish.

Bought a Lavalamp in SS2 Kedai Lampu, so cool, been looking for one for a while. It’s hard to capture the beauty of a lava lamp in a still picture…but I’ve tried.

I also spent some time sorting my pictures out, so I’ve updated the Brunei Gallery, I think there’s 53 pics now. Just need to add the comments and stuff.

I added some pics from my Mom’s trip to Malaysia in June too HERE, and a gallery of the new Ferrarri F430.

I’ve found some other pics too on a CD, so I can populate some more photo galleries before I fix my PC and start the mass upload.

Anyway that’s my weekend…contrary to popular belief, I do have some work to do, so laters!

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Continue Reading · 10 Comments · General Nonsense