
Tiesto & Cosmic Gate LIVE at Freedom 08 – Port Dickson, Malaysia

If you’ve been reading my blog for some time you might know I’m a fan of Tiesto – I went to see him last time he was here which was back in 2006 at Sepang (DJ Tiesto – Live at Sepang Malaysia!) so I definitely won’t miss the chance to see him head over here for his Elements of Life tour.

He was here for Freedom 08 at Admiral Marina in Port Dickson – the same place I went for that crappy Recharge 3: R3velation – The Aftermath in 2005.

I didn’t meet any blog reading fans this time but I did see Adeline and Nadia from MDG!

Yes yes…3 years isn’t been long I went to my first rave in 1994 for my 16 birthday so yeah work that out.

We reached the front gate around 10:15pm….omg look at the queue, lucky we pre-bought our tickets weeks ago at Axcess in 1-U.

Crazy Crowd

We got inside around 10:45pm – not tooooo bad. Seen as though it was quite late the German duo of DJ Bossi & Nic Chagall commonly known as Cosmic Gate were already rocking the show and the place was pretty packed.

Cosmic Gate Rocking

So what should we do…yah! Grab a crate of beer, only 200 bucks 🙂

Beer Crate.

Do notice the Ah Beng opening the beers.

Spongefox met his brother..

Mask Brothers

And FireAngel blew….bubbles.

Blowing Bubbles

Just before 12 Cosmic Gate finished up and things quietened down, there was some kinda light shows..and the ambience was electric.

Pre Tiesto Ambience

There was a laser-man-dance-show-thingy…


Almost bang on 12 our Homeboy TIESTO came out.


He started out with a lot of tracks from Elements of Life of course as it’s the tour for that album 🙂 The place was banging and the crowd buzzing.


One of my favs has to be “In The Dark” – wicked!

Choctock Starfish was looking like a pervert as usual with KY the resident perv.

Tick tock and KY

We moved ourselves a bit further inside with our second crate of beer and danced away, after the Elements of Life stuff he dropped a lot of old classics from Just Be, In My Memory and Parade of Athletes! Including some of my fav songs of all time like Silence!


The lights, the lasers, the fireworks, the ambiance, the sound system it was all just freaking AWESOME.

Awesome Lasers

The crowd went especially wild when he dropped classics like Love Comes Again.

Everyone was singing along, Kim and Dupree were rocking it.


Yellow lights

The man himself rocking it.

Tiesto Live at Port Dickson

Kim enjoying the music.


Loads of happy party people too, it was a very mixed crowd, white-brown-yellow-pink-black-alien-etc with old and young alike.

Party People

After that the finale starting winding up, fireworks and a rocking light show – then loads of mad confetti.


Check it out, it was really amazing.

What a night! We left just after the finale as he really finished at 3am (probably due to local regs). It was a bit slow before the last few songs as he played slightly harder stuff, but then he finished off with some real wicked tracks.

We headed out and back to KL, traffic was pretty light I think most people stayed there…or according to the star hung around causing trouble and passed out on the grass – what a fucking stupid article that is – ITS NOTHING TO DO WITH TOURISM OR PD ITS JUST A RAVE.

“It was sort of a rave party and I must say that it was a culture shock to me. There were many youths who were consuming alcohol,” she said.

OMG people drunk alcohol at a party wtf?

Anyway it was totally utterly great and that’s that 😀 Thanks to Suan for driving!




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17 Responses to Tiesto & Cosmic Gate LIVE at Freedom 08 – Port Dickson, Malaysia

  1. chris tock May 13, 2008 at 1:06 am #

    we all look freaking pissed and tired lol. and no i do NOT have a perverted face! just cock-eyed. and freaking stoned. wtf la why u like to take unhensem photos of me ST what did i do to u :'(


  2. KY May 13, 2008 at 1:10 am #

    the boy is learning, the boy is learning.

  3. foxtrotecho May 13, 2008 at 1:20 am #

    “Dude, where’s your scrambler ?” Best line I heard the whole night about my facemask.

  4. The Ah Beng In a Thundercats T-Shirt May 13, 2008 at 1:30 am #

    To tell the truth, the only tune i recognised from the set was when he played his remix of the Pirates of The CAribbean theme. Everything else was a blur of pounding beats, electronica and beer-induced psychedelia. haha.

  5. chyu May 13, 2008 at 2:23 am #

    cool cool~
    hey ST what cam u r using? great pic wei~

  6. moons May 13, 2008 at 9:15 am #

    Ahhh damn great party it was. Loved Tiesto’s EOL tracks and the good ol’ lethal industry and airwave totally rocked everyone. 2 days just sped off just like that.

    Was hoping to bump into you guys but I guess didn’t happen. I did see Spongefox’s brother around the front and centre of the arena though(no idea who it was until seeing this post). I saw Jimmy Lim at the loos too.

    Anyway, first night was pretty good too. Ferry Corsten was just awesome. Crowd was less during the first day of course however it was still all good.

    The coverage on the papers are just plain stupid. What’d they expect of a beach party? Party where everyone is still sober and no drunks lying on the floor? I’d have to say though, people there were nothing but polite, bumping into each other and such was often accompanied with a sorry gesture. Unlike in public transportations here, you’d get pushed, stepped on etc etc without even so much as a sorry.

    Rumours are that this is probably Tiesto’s last tour in Malaysia as long as they keep having regulations to have the party closed at 3am. What more with this kind of coverage from the papers, ugh.

  7. sheon May 13, 2008 at 11:50 am #

    yeah man, the concert really rawk my socks off!! tiesto was great…utterly great. tho club scene is not my kinda thing..but yeah…if he’s coming, i’m going. hahaha

    was hoping to meet-up su-ann, but no luck. but from your photos, it seems that you guys were just 30m behind me!

    i couldnt stop laughing at what the newspapers say.


  8. Michael Yip May 14, 2008 at 3:47 pm #

    I thought they are supposed to only serve ribena…..

  9. Slinky May 14, 2008 at 4:47 pm #

    Guess there isn’t much of a difference from his set here in Melbourne couple of weeks ago. Glad you guys had just as much fun! Freedom surely lived up to its expectation.. A good thing to Malaysia raving scene, albeit the unnecessary attention on news about the party.

  10. ktula May 17, 2008 at 1:58 pm #

    Man, looks like a great show! I have been a fan of Tiesto for many years. I am really looking forward to his upcoming show in Seattle at the end of this month. Rave on!

  11. tijs fan May 17, 2008 at 9:33 pm #

    soz.. but he didnt play Just be(one of my fav song) during both nights

    but hey great pics you got here…

  12. impedius May 18, 2008 at 12:25 pm #

    Awesome post! Check out my music video of the Freedom event. 🙂 —> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tFkzSOZEK0

  13. Isza May 19, 2008 at 12:11 pm #

    This is a little overdue but i must say Tiesto was da bombest, location was awesomeeee~ and yes, what’s a party without alcohol.. hurrhurr..

    any idea on any parties coming?

    -Isza, SG

  14. ShaolinTiger May 20, 2008 at 3:21 pm #

    chris tock: Initiation process mah 😛

    foxtrotecho: Ahahaha that’s a good one.

    The Ah Beng In a Thundercats T-Shirt: It’s all good though aye.

    chyu: Hey 🙂 I’m using Fuji F31fd! It rocks.

    moons: Yah he really banged out the classics man, especially towards the end of the set. Hope it’s not his last time here…but well I’ve seen him twice so I’m pretty happy 😀

    sheon: Was an awesome party indeed! We were just by the large speakers and to the right of the sound/control lighting stage at the back.

    Slinky: Yah sets should be about the same I guess as it’s his EOL tour.

    ktula: His shows rock, he can really work the crowd.

    tijs fan: Don’t forget ‘Just Be’ is an album as well as a track…he played tunes from ‘Just Be’ album.

    Isza: Well Missy Elliot was here this past weekend, not sure what is next..

  15. Jun June 1, 2008 at 9:25 pm #

    Too bad im preparing for my mid-term at May......or ill even crawl my way to PD if i have too 🙁

  16. ShaolinTiger June 2, 2008 at 1:18 am #

    Jun: Don’t know if he’ll be coming again..

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