I’m a bit faster, yesterday was 94wpm, today was 104!
You type 581 characters per minute
You have 104 correct words and
you have 7 wrong words
Try it out:
Sorry stimx was still down last night.
I’m a bit faster, yesterday was 94wpm, today was 104!
You type 581 characters per minute
You have 104 correct words and
you have 7 wrong words
Try it out:
Sorry stimx was still down last night.
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Holy shit, you win!
I get 80++ just max.
I dunno how they calculate it..it says I type at 72 words per minute, but 769 characters a minute? (damn I must’ve gotten some LOONG words!)
But all hail…*bows*…you da typing king! 😀
43 words per minute
SF: That’s not bad, most techy/geek seem to get 80-90wpm range.
beetrice: Holy smokes you got some long words, try again. It should average about 5 characters per word.
Damn, I average at 80++ wpm on Facebook.
Got to try this now.
What the hell…?? I typed 41wpm! You photoshopped yours!
You type 236 characters per minute
You have 39 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
*goes and hides in shame behind the refrigerator*
Did you type with your eyes on the screen or on the keyboard??? Most Malaysians do the latter, but then again, you’re not Malaysian…so I guess the former, i.e. the right way 😉
walao… so fast ur typing… i only can type 30++ per minute… f*cking slow
94 wpm…not bad for someone who learned typing through ICQ 😉
Ranga: Hahaha pwn!
charis: Haha eyes on the screen of course, you can’t type more than 30-40wpm and still look at the keyboard.
deriku: Not bad, that’s how I learnt too ICQ then IRC 😀
70wpm, i expected 60 hehe
OMG i’m only 70…i think your fingers are flying……