Now whenever I spring out the DOS prompt in Windows and someone sees it they are like ZOMG that’s cool – cos my font is green like the h4x0r style.
I use the command prompt quite often still for pinging, ipconfig stuff, the odd traceroute and the lousy Win32 version of Nmap, if you don’t know what it is you can get it by going to Start – Run – ‘cmd’
Now this is not particularly hard to do, but it looks really cool – when you open the command prompt, you’ll see the standard size and standard grey font which looks pretty boring.
Ok so now we change the font colour, click at the top left and select ‘Properties’ – then select the ‘Colors’ tab. In the ‘Colors’ tab choose ‘Screen Text’ and choose the bright green colour.
After that stretch the window out so it’s a bit bigger, then test it out with ‘ping -t’.
Now the important part is when you close the DOS prompt..apply the changes to all windows. On Vista it’s saved automatically so I can’t prntscrn the dialogue.
There you go you have a l33t h4x0r style DOS prompt.
As a tip for Vista users, make a shortcut on your desktop to the DOS prompt and use the Run As command to run it as Administrator, this will give you full access to all commands..if you don’t do that you’ll find yourself very limited.
wahhhh i want a l33 hx0r dos prompt!!!!
Awwww, looks like OpenBSD booting up 😛
I thought you need to change the C:\Users to \home\user\ too!
Gee – That reminds me of my first 286 with green monochrome monitor…. 🙂
Anyway! Lately, I modded my Xubuntu to look like Vista (btw: did you know that the letter V in German-like languages sounds like F? Here last M$ Operating System name sounds more as the title of a porn movie!). I called the helpdesk just saying that the pc did not have any C drive (which was the case, actually). The guy took 30 mins to realize that “uh, something is not exactly what I expected” (ad verbatim)…
You can set your cmd to open in Full Screen to in the Option tab. That will really make you PC look old school.
PCTOOLS 4.30 all the way! Best tool for molesting bytes!
That and with soft-ice!
UCF forever!
Way cool. With my last config only the prompt was green, now the whole screen’s green. 🙂
Cool! The next step is to keep your finger down on “Enter”, call your younger brother over and tell him the computer’s taken over by the Matrix!
Wow. That looks awesome. I just might dig up my old windows machine just to give that a try.
how do i change the text so that it will say Welcome to the Matrix everytime i press enter?
This can be done with the color command. “color 0a”
700 (0/\/\|>71!(473|)
try “color XX”