Bad Week – Need Some Guinness Draught!

So yeah as I mentioned I’ve been having a generally bad week last week… chair broke – which buggers up a lot of things (lot’s of pictures to process, blog posts to write, We Ate This needs updating and so on).

Then I mashed up my car bumper in Plaza Damas looking for somewhere to validate my freaking parking ticket.

THEN my computer starting playing up and randomly displaying a bunch of nonsense on the screen rendering it useless…I suspected it might be the power supply. Will try the new one out tonight, I think I’ll have time.

New chair arrived this afternoon though, which is good – can get back on top of things finally.

So anyway lot’s of things to do this weekend…but I decided I need some beer, what better than some cold Guinness Draught on a hot day!

I headed down to Blackhole in Hartamas as they are having some promotions and they are completely decked out with a Xmas/Guinness Draught theme, which is really neat.

Blackhole Hartamas

Buy 3 pints of Guinness Draught (RM23.80 per pint) and get 1 free Guinness Draught gym towel.

Free Gift

The Guinness Draught was good and fresh, nice and cold and poured well.

Guinness Draught

Nothing like a big glass of cold Guinness Draught on a warm relaxing Sunday.

Guinness Draught

Have a smooth and Joyous Christmas with Guinness Draught!

Guinness Draught - Cheers!

Cheers from me!

Guinness Draught itself is also doing some give-aways – more at




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6 Responses to Bad Week – Need Some Guinness Draught!

  1. KY December 18, 2007 at 12:05 pm #

    Gym and Guiness somehow doesn’t really strike me as a good combination

  2. Ranga December 18, 2007 at 1:22 pm #

    Does it suck when you have to kow-tow to advertisers?

  3. ShaolinTiger December 19, 2007 at 2:32 pm #

    KY: You need some way to burn of the calories ingested from the Guinness I guess?

    Ranga: Getting paid never sucks 🙂

  4. Cruise December 19, 2007 at 7:55 pm #

    Haha! Touche, Tiger! Touche!

  5. TBG December 20, 2007 at 12:02 am #


  6. ShaolinTiger December 22, 2007 at 1:44 pm #

    Cruise: Yeah hor

    Last minute one..didn’t spend long there.

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