Found Me Some Pussy

I came home from work as normal, I’d left the patio door open slightly to air the place while I was out as it’s been humid the last few days it was a bit stuffy.

Anyway…I got home and went to shut the door and saw something on the floor, as it was all dark…I wasn’t sure, but it looked like it was moving.

So I was like ZOMGWTFZ, anyway…I went to switch the light on and came back and found 3 little kittiez hunched up on my speaker stand against my sofa on my curtain tie..

Attack of teh Kitteh!

Kitteh Invasion

They were all out on the stand when I first saw them but by the time I got my camera the dark one had rammed himself under the sofa…he’s shy.

They must have squeezed their tiny little heads under the grill and had a party in my house.

Damn cute this one, he’s least scared of me.

Kitteh did pooped on your speakerz! Sorrehz

Kitteh Poop

Their mom will still outside chillin.

Teh little kittehz was pretty freaked out by this huge hairy gorilla standing over them.

Before they freaked out..

Kittehz am chillin


And after!

Kitteh says NOz

Kitteh say NOZ

Anyway they was cool, apart from one…which ran all the way under my sofa….so I had to take my hole living room apart to get him out and return all 3 to their mother outside.

Kitteh saiz LEAVEZ MEh!


So now I got a cat family living on me balcony…how nice.

Someone put some cat food there too so I guess they are gonna hang around.




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