Smirnoff Black – Straight From the Freezer

I love me some Smirnoff black, neat, straight from the freezer – shame mine is almost finished.

It’s one of the smoothest drinks around – I always keep a bottle in my freezer. It’s always ready to pop me a shot and get me going before I head out for a wild night.

Smirnoff Black

S for Smirnoff

S for Smirnoff

I don’t mix this Vodka, that would be sacrilege, I’ve been drinking this stuff since 1999 back in London. Smirnoff blue and red are reserved for mixing, preferably with red bull – if not then orange juice or tonic water.

Smirnoff Black

Sadly this bottle is getting a bit low, time to pick up another one I think.

I’m not big into flavoured Vodka (you can call me a purist), but good news for those that are…Smirnoff is launching a new flavour of Vodka at the Santuary on 25th Jul 2007.

This post is in conjunction with the launch of its SMIRNOFF® line of new flavoured vodkas @ Sanctuary, The Curve on 25th July 2007. For more information about SMIRNOFF® products, please visit the website,




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10 Responses to Smirnoff Black – Straight From the Freezer

  1. KY July 19, 2007 at 2:11 pm #

    drinking is bad for health. :/

  2. Grant S. July 19, 2007 at 3:26 pm #

    Worth noting that Vodka and Red Bull in the UK is different, because Red Bull in Europe contains a hellava whack of caffeine, which combined with the taurine, gives the energy boost. Which combined with the vodka gives a “party all night” sensation…and more. It got banned in many bars even before I left the UK, as it can be a potent mix.
    Red Bull in Malaysia only contains the amino acid taurine, which on it’s own has no determinable effect apart from the mild sugar rush of the syrupy gloop ;(
    Best just shoot the Vodka iced!! Rinse and repeat 🙂

  3. cheekky July 19, 2007 at 4:20 pm #

    banned? really?
    well at least not on student nites! vodka island nites would beg to differ, £2.15 for a double smirnoff – red bull! hehehee 😀
    u can get absolutely trolleyed on £30 and thats including buying drinks for others!

  4. Grant S. July 19, 2007 at 4:49 pm #

    Didn’t say it got banned everywhere! Just in some London pubs that I knew, where “snake-bites”, and other delicacies were also banned.
    These pubs were much more likely to need to maintain order than “student nights”, with all due respect. 😉

  5. easyriderlovescs July 19, 2007 at 6:18 pm #

    let’s see…
    vodka + redbull = vodka redbull
    vodka + lime = vodka lime
    vodka + orange juice = vodka orange
    vodka + sprite = vodka sprite
    vodka + ice = vodka on the rocks
    vodka + nothing = vodka neat

    not forgetting…
    bourbon + coke = bourbon coke

    i also agree with ky, drinking is bad for the health, especially to the liver! do drink in moderation and please do not drive and drive. get a designated driver or hail a cab! spare a thought to yourself and other people! last but not least do not mix and match alcohol! for example don’t mix beer with wine or wine with whisky or beer with vodka.

  6. macdude July 20, 2007 at 2:01 pm #

    Ahhhh so you’re a vodka person 😉

  7. ShaolinTiger July 20, 2007 at 4:41 pm #

    KY: A glass a day is good for health….a bottle is bad 😛

    Grant S.: Yah of the things I missed when I came here was proper redbull…not the horrible orange goop they put in cans here. I just shoot in neat 🙂 BTW kids don’t be crazy and do amphetamines with loads of double vodka redbulls! Snakebite….especially with diamond white and stella, killer man!

    cheekky: It was barred in some places due to the rowdy behaviour it tends to cause, student places still sell it by the gallon.

    easyriderlovescs: Actually Vodka + Orange Juice = Screwdriver

    macdude: I’m an alcohol person haha, I have pretty much everything, I’m a big single malt fan too…will write about that sometime too.

  8. cheekky July 20, 2007 at 8:05 pm #

    i know snakebites are banned now cause they’ve actually been classified as dirty pints. but my student union still serves the fake snakebites; lager, cider, and blackcurrant (as opposed to guiness, cider and blackcurrant), which honestly tastes like ribena gone wrong and doesn’t really get u drunk. the american exchange students love it though.

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