The Dragonfly
Taken at Kuala Lumpur Butterfly Park, will post some more later, must sleep now, hectic weekend.
The Dragonfly
Taken at Kuala Lumpur Butterfly Park, will post some more later, must sleep now, hectic weekend.
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you still have your SP90.
thought it got stolen with the rest of the gear last time. guess not.
did you PP the soft edges or is this from the lens?
Please send me the “classic” photo of you-know-who taken at AC. lol
That’s a great picture there! I once saw a similar picture from, tracked down the page master for the type of camera he used but he replied in Dutch O.o
I’m sure you’ve mentioned it before, but mind informing me what camera did you use to take that shot?… and is there a special technique in taking closeup shots of bugs?
yeah, you’ve gotta dress up like a female dragonfly to take them, haha
good shiznit…. its now my wallpaper too! hope u dont mind! 😛
eh that dragonfly is really good…can i have one for my desktop too? no watermarked full size …..please
Thanks! Will post more soon, bit busy now..just started new job this week.
calvaryzone: Nah thankfully, I bought it on the same day as the theft…but it was in a pasar malam bag under the passenger seat not in the camera back so I kept hold of it. The soft edges are depth of field, not PP.
KY: Will do if I know which one..there’s loads haha.
Pj: Thanks 🙂 I used a Nikon D200 with a 1:1 Macro lens, the Tamron SP 90mm Di with a SB-800 external speedlight, this shot was taken at f/11 on Aperture Priority mode. Just need the right kit (macro lens) and patience for this kind of shot.
cheekky & earl-ku: You can find the large 1600px version here.
How much does the Tamron 90mm run for in KL? How about a Sigma 10-20mm? Thanks!
Also, where did you buy them? Thanks.
You’ve improved a lot since you first pick up a DLSR 🙂 However, I would prefer more DOF so the dragonfly’s back is in focus too. Also, there’s a lot of noise in the bokeh, what ISO were you using?
Hope to see more of your work!
A fellow pm-er