Yah I did…
Sadly it didn’t pour out loads of money..it just told me the resolution I was using was too low.
Can you believe ATMs are using Windows XP? No wonder they are down so often….
What happened to OSes built in Assembly and Embedded Device Operating Systems?!
I’m bloody surprised that they use XP, their famed unreliability made me think that they hadn’t upgraded from WindowsME. 😉
XP *never* crashes, does it? Unheard of!
That was for which bank?
I have seen several banks’ ATMs like that recently: one (BSN) was running XP Professional and the other one (Standard Chartered) was still running their Java app on Windows NT Workstation.
As for POS machines, at least 2 supermarket chains in Sabah are running theirs on XP – havent seen them crash yet.
I can’t even name a better software than XP… Are they any better ones out there,btw??
hahaha!! how da fark did that happened?? teach me wei.. maybe i can get the machine to pour out bucketful of cash lol
how bout UK? does the ATM there ever goes down?
I think the post office uses Windows too but their screens are so small and not even in colour. But that could’ve been quite some time ago.
Used to be IBM’s OS/2, no problem back then.
do they even need an OS as complicated as XP for just ATM machines? i’m not that knowledgable on computers, but isnt XP just like a prettier and easier version of DOS to use, with windowing system, and graphic interfaces.
just imho.
how’d you change the res anyway?
its not that the whole ATM system is on winxp, the backend is definitely not, its just that client can run on xp … client only
too bad no CTRL ALT DEL buttons..
i saw this too but at maybank atm in klcc near guardian
put it to sleep
This actually tells you how serious it is the quality of IT graduates we’re churning out nowadays.
Their knowledge of non-windows technology is so severely limited that they cannot work with any non-windows/non-microsoft related products.
In the end, this is the result you see when you check out the ATM.
Microsoft has cornered the education sector with their rubbish and they’re definitely responsible for producing rotten mouse monkey graduates who produces these type of work.
The real deal also lies with the evangelism and bullshit spread by Microsoft marketing, to the point that these graduates refuse to learn or adopt anything non-Microsoft.
It is that serious, as it has become a religious game for these bozos.
IT grads simply refuse to learn anything outside of the Microsoft comfort zone and you have these advocates trying to influence corporate IT decisions and ruffling feathers of non-MS IT companies.
If I were the CTO I will fire employees who try to influence IT policies using their MS religion propaganda.
ShadowFox, you shoot the wrong tree leh..Using which brand of ATM is not some simple decision can be made by “churned out graduates”.
But still, if you hire an IT grad nowadays, the chances of him/her knowing anything outside of MS domain is almost zilch.
That presents a stronger case for MS evangelist whores to brainwash management in the company to adopt only MS technologies since that’s what the education market is supplying, MS domain only grads.
ShadowFox: I couldnt agree more.
Some are not even familiar with DOS command or windows short-cut keys. :O
Just click click clickclick…. wtf
sorry, out of topic.
i dunno bout you guys, but I had an unfortunate incident of the ATM machine re-booting after inserting my ATM card.. it was running OS/2, not Win XP though
ShadowFox: i would love to host you and Tan Loke Uei, Microsoft Malaysia Evangelist for dinner…
The banks are smart, it is always down to prevent you from withdrawing too much money. 😛
Well, i really wouldnt call that “hacking” but at the end of the day i guess it comes down to how and what u define is “hacking”. Nevertheless im also very suprised that ATM’s are running XP 😉
Agree entire with what someone said about IT grads, funny how much Microsoft has dominated the development environment.
I have seen Windows XP error at TM Tower’s lift. Yes, too bad coz no CTRL ALT DEL buttons. Fortunately, the lift work. Haha! (^^!)
what were they thinking, this has nothing to do with os wars, if linux was the most popular OS, I would not put that on there either. Personaly the atm process is so simple, it should be a home grown os that no one uses.
makes me wonder if it is possible to write a worm that are able to overwrite the atm settings and TT all the money to my account.
I’ll rob the bank virtually and before they knew I’ve sponsor some rough nation few hundred million by being a refugee.
That’s crazy! They should be using an embedded Linux distro and just use a framebuffer. Or, if they really want pretty graphics, they can put Xorg and Qt/GTK+ on there. I wouldn’t but that’s just me.
wow.. that is crazy
Fay (in messge 7) says that earlier ATM software was IBM’s OS/2. Half correct. OS/2 is correct — but the Copyright notice was Microsoft (OS/2 was a joint development effort by IBM and Microsoft).
Why dont they run ubuntu?
Many retailers in the UK use XP on their POS terminals, although I have seen Linux SUSE used too!
I was shocked when I saw the ATM machine rebooted and it was running in Windows XP. Why not Vista? Lol