
50 coolest web sites of 2005 – For Real?

So there I was surfing the web, checking out some random stuff as you do…surfing is addictive, blog hopping is addictive, reading everything2[/url] or wikipedia is addictive, you can just jump from entry to entry.

This particular occasion I was checking out Times’ top 50 coolest websites of 2005.


This article is a web exclusive, meaning it’s not published in the magazine itself.

50 Coolest Websites 2005
How do we come up with our 50 best? Short answer: we take your suggestions, probe friends and colleagues about their favorite online haunts and then surf like mad. This year’s finalists are a mix of newcomers, new discoveries and veterans that have learned some new tricks

The List: Arts & Entertainment
The List: Blogs
The List: Lifestyle, Health & Hobbies
The List: News & Information
The List: Shopping

Notice blogs has become a category too 🙂 2 that I read made it in there: Go Fug Yourself & PostSecret, plus another 2 I visit now and then: Boing Boing and LifeHacker.

A new one I found on this list that is interesting is Bayraider, a guy finding all the weirdest stuff for sale on E-bay:


I saw this photoblog quite a while ago too, he has some really beautiful pictures:


Also a very good book review site:


Completely unrelated to this entry, I found a journal from an American teacher in Japan which is hilarious:


That’s all for now 😉




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4 Responses to 50 coolest web sites of 2005 – For Real?

  1. KucingGatal September 19, 2005 at 4:06 am #

    I protest! I should be in that list…how can like that….

  2. Dabido (Teflon) September 19, 2005 at 4:47 am #

    WOW! Six degrees of seperation thing happening. As soon as I saw the Japanese Teacher blog, I recognised the addy as one from Sarah’s site whom I link to.

    Boing Boing etc are obvious inclusions in the top 50.

  3. Chris September 21, 2005 at 6:39 am #

    Read the first post by the English teacher in Japan (Outpost nine).

    That was a hell of a good laugh.

    I guess what most Japanese kids don’t realise (until now, maybe) is that most westerners wear boxers while almost all Asians wear tight-fitting pants.


  4. elise September 8, 2006 at 8:23 pm #

    Heh.. Go Fug Yourself??!! And I thought only girls gonna find that site remotely interesting… due to most guys tuning out at the mention of clothes, shoes… ;P (which incidentally, Scrubs did a very funny example of this in one of the episodes).

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