Yeah Suan tagged me, which I could probably get away with ignoring, but then mob1900 got me again…
So well I guess I have to do it now.
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Visit South American (Brazil yeah! Chile etc..)
2. Own a Mitsubishi Evolution (6 or above)
3. Discover a miracle cure for all diseases has been culutured in the fluff in my belly button
4. Have a flat stomach
5. Become a PADI qualified Diving Instructor
6. Become a Millionaire
7. Live Happily Ever After
Seven things I could do:
1. Stop being an asshole at random intervals
2. Think before I speak
3. Smoke less (or quit! I am trying..)
4. Care a bit more about the important things
5. Call my Mom more often
6. Play DOTA[/url] a bit less (already started on that one!)
7. Don’t crash my car ANY MORE
Seven Celebrity crushes:
1. Halle Berry
2. Claudia Schiffer
3. Tyra Banks
4. Kylie Minogue
5. Faith Hill
6. Gwen Stefani
7. Beyonce Knowles
Man getting only 7 was tough..(Angelina Jolie? Cameron Diaz..)
Seven often repeated words:
1. Yeah Right
3. WTF?!?
4. Faggot
5. Cibai
6. Yes I am ShaolinTiger
7. No sorry I won’t give you babies right now
Not sure if this means in real life, or online..mine is a mix of both
Seven physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:
1. Not a midget
2. Breasts larger than a walnut
3. Not fat
4. Good skin
5. Not skinny like a supermodel
6. Doesn’t have more hair than me
7. Doesn’t have a mean/bitchy/slutty face
Seven tags go to:
1. No
2. One
3. Because
4. They
5. Did
6. It
7. Already.
Well there you go. If you read this and haven’t done it, please feel free to go ahead and do it, send me a trackback or something
6. Doesn’t have more hair than me
i think everyone arnd u r qualified already eh ?
everyone done it? but not me yet…
“2. Breasts larger than a walnut”
You’ve just made the entire Wanita MCA your enemy! ;P
Have a flat stomach? Wat about 6 packs? : )
Smoke less? Wat about drink less?
Guess not, especially when u layan with Moet champagne hehehe ;-P
Well I guess when u achieve no. 6 – Become a milliionaire, u can do all the things above, with all your crushes, no?
not fat? aiyah. fail already
Make that billionaire?
i thought “teh o ais limau” should be ur most repeated words?
do i have a mean/bitchy/slutty face? heh.
Project AWARE’s next week in Redang, heading that way?
Yup leaving early Friday morning, will at Redang Bay I think..not exactly sure, but yeah I’ll be there
Dunno? Send me some naked mean face pictures and I’ll let you know
Bay doesn’t join PA’s I think. Not that I know off. Pelangi and Coral are the only ones I reckon.
Have fun
6. Doesn’t have more hair than me
erm. that leaves you with 80 year old grandmas.
You got some hairy assed granny thing going on there.
mob1900 : You’ve just made the entire Wanita MCA your enemy! ;P
Me : You have pea brain and likely pea-nuts too…
dude, no offence to Gwen, but she doesn’t pass the walnut rule…