No seriously I am, here’s the proof.
Yeah I can’t think of anything to write, well I can but I’m busy cleaning up, yes I’m domesticated..
I designed the shirt myself, it’s a part of my collection of Geek, Hacking, Computer Security and various other things related T-shirts, Mouse Mats, Jumpers and Even thongs!
I also have these:
haha..thats cool !
Sniff My Packet damn on
is it smelly?
how come you never mention or tried selling it to me ? you think i am not a nerd ? just because i am beautiful ?
*Rolls eyes*
Sniff it?
CAn you like translate that gibberish on that fat guy’s tshirt so that the rest of the normal english speaking can like, understand it? 😛
BTW I think there’s a version of Google for dumbasses like you
FA, it says, international (inter racial) ELITE HACKER !!!
here’s one for me
Ph34r m3! I am H4xor th3 L33t!
I wonder if she knows what’s encpsulated in the header?
Ai Carumba!
I h8 2 t3!! u bu+ I d0n’+ sp34k l33t !!!
I 4g0+ 2 add – w00t 😀
There’s a mighty payload, and my packet aint fragmented 😛
Might cause a buffer overflow..