
I will, I will…I WILL

I will update soon, honest..

I am still here, I didn’t drop off the face of the planet, man my average daily unique visitors is crawling down to 200, when it goes below 200 I’ll cry!

Used to be 450 in March, then Sri Lanka screwed me, now being stuck in an office with only limited dial-up for a couple of months isn’t going to help me either.

Halved in 2 months, the fickleness of people eh?

Oh well must resolve to try and blog more from home, instead of just playing DOTA[/url], watching movies, drinking cold beer and eating chicken wings.

At least I still love my site and the new news pages even if no one else does (first post in ages that got 0 comments LOL)..

Oh well, I been doing some shitty ass business impact analysis all day and I’m about to die, hardcore concentration on a monotonous jumble of figures and statements and conclusions and DIE MOTHERFUCKERS DIE!!!

Oops sorry.

Anyway I’m gonna go to the toilet and cry.





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6 Responses to I will, I will…I WILL

  1. kimberlycun May 19, 2005 at 2:59 am #

    yeah cepat update. sienz here

  2. Silencers May 19, 2005 at 3:58 am #

    Alright, here’s 5 questions for you:

    1. Regardless of cost or status, if there is one thing you could do to make the world a better place, what would it be?

    2. You’re given a piece of land on the Moon. Besides selling it, what would you do with it?

    3. Are white lies worth telling and why?

    4. What is your favourite childhood pastime?

    5. Two treasure boxes are each located atop a mountain on the Alps and the other in chasm in the Pacific. Which would you rather go for, and why?

  3. archangel May 19, 2005 at 6:09 am #


  4. suanie May 19, 2005 at 9:55 am #

    i love the general news.. i’m just figuring a way to put it on my site… but a bit the sien these days

  5. Ahdave May 19, 2005 at 11:27 am #

    Dude, see no pic of me & you 🙁

  6. ShaolinTiger May 19, 2005 at 11:55 am #

    Fixed it bro.

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