Google has started providing factual answers..
For example if you type ‘population malaysia’ in the search box, it will no longer lead you to the pages that contain the info, it will actually give you the answer and the page it got the info from:
MalaysiaPopulation: 23,522,482 (July 2004 est.)
According to
Also works for other stuff like people, search ‘who is bruce lee’
Bruce LeeProperty: … is widely considered to be the greatest martial arts film actor of the 20th century.
According to
It is however in early stages, but it looks like it will be a better alternative to AskJeeves[/url], which was based on this metho d of searching (actually posing the search engine a question).
I also stumbled upon another new toy, Yagoohoogle[/url], which seems to be down at the moment.
It’s a site split into 2 panes, so you chuck a search term in the first page it shows you both the Yahoo! and Google results. Pretty neat.
BTW has awesome lasagne from hotel room service last night, yum! See you all on Monday.
I went Shanghai last year and the tour guide told me that the population of the foreigners in Shanghai is around 25,000,000.
actually..Google has improved a lot for factual searches. In fact, I prefer to use Google when searching for scientific articles rather than PubMed (which is database specifically for biological and chemical articles) as I get a broader view of the subject that I’m looking for. In fact, they even link directly to the publication site.
i don’t really like Yagoohoogle becuase of their use of frames. i prefer dogpile which has more features. sometimes Wikipedia are better n Blogpulse is also good for searching through blogs.
PubMed sounds like an Aussie Medical condition:
I’m not feeling well, let’s go get a Beeeeeeeeeeeeer!