
Shaolin Kung-Fu – Bukit Jalil Style

So I went to the Shaolin Kung-Fu show[/url] in Bukit Jalil, and it was even mentioned on Yahoo! News.

Yeah the original ang moh Shaolin master.

The show was cool, started with a traditional lion dance on the plum flower poles (Mei hua Zhuang) from a local club. Very impressive strength and skills and entertaining too.

The only bad point was as it was a charity thing, there was a good 30 minutes of arse licking and Datuk this Datuk that, which we could have done just fine without.

Apart from the Shaolin stuff, there was also a performance from the Malaysian national 24 drum champions, a nice fusion of beats and movement, a very enjoyable experience. Their timing was fantastic.

There was the normal shaolin stuff, spears on throats, spears in stomach, pushing a bus with a spears (this was a new one), lots of flipping and spinning and some impressive iron shirt kung-fu (a fat making taking punches from audience members).

I was with the faggots as usual, I think 8 of us made it to the show.

TheGreatFaggot was contemplating the real meaning of chi-kung and how he should be a monk seen as though he already look like one.

He then proceeded to demonstrate his amazing Iron Head kung-fu.

Then KY proceeded to school him Iron Geek-hand style.

The full photo gallery is HERE. If I get any more pics from Suanie[/url] I’ll post them here.

After that we of course went to Misaiand has some great Nasi Goreng Ayam Kunyit!

More to come…




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3 Responses to Shaolin Kung-Fu – Bukit Jalil Style

  1. MrsT December 20, 2004 at 4:12 pm #

    I think Kim went for the same Shaolin show..??!!??

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