
Fidani and The Chocolate Factory

So in September the lovely Eiling invited a bunch of us to head to the Fidani Chocolate factory in Shah Alam where they make premium hand made chocolates under the watchful eye of the skillful chocolate master-chef Amer.

So let’s see…there was – Kimberlycun, Suanie, FA, Ringo, KY, Rach, HornyBaldyNicholas, Grace, Jen, David, Ziling and Yiling (the last two being Eilings sisters!).

Eiling briefed us on what was going to happen and told us a bit about the company and what they did there, basically they make higher end handmade chocolates under the luxury brand Fidani.


You can get these chocolates in the duty free chocolates shops at KLIA and various other locations.

Then we were introduced to Chef Amer, a highly trained confectionary chef who masterminds the recipes and construction of the chocolates for Fidani using only the highest quality ingredients from around the world.

Chef Amer

Before he really got started though we were already demolishing this HUGE box of chocolates, chocolate for breakfast – yum!

Fidani Chocolates

And of course people take pictures everywhere, damn bloggers…Suanie and FA

FireAngel and Suanie

Most of us noticed these looked like boobs too…shame there was nothing phallic..my pair is a bit lopsided though.

Lopsided Boobs

Anyway, Amer gave us a very interesting presentation about the history of chocolate, the steps involved in making it and how the different types vary (dark, milk and white) then confectionery (those fake/cheap chocolate that have never seen cocoa).


It was very interesting, learned quite a lot about how complex making a premium grade chocolate is.

After that we headed down into the area where they actually make the chocolates, no-one had been allowed in before so it was quite a treat for us. We had to suit in some hygenic gear of course including hair nets.

Hair Nets

And white coats! I felt like some kind of chocolate making super hero, yeehah!

Super Chocolate MAN!

We saw all kinds of processed involved in making the different kinds of chocolates..like truffles!

Fidani Truffles

Some parts are extremely skillful, as you are working with chocolate, too short a time setting and it’ll collapse, too long a time and it’ll be too thick..

Making Shells

Amer then showed us how to make our own pure chocolate bar, which we all did!

Amer Demonstrates

KY ho’ing his name there.

KY Draws

Everyone busy at work making chocolates.

Making Chocolates!

My signature chocolate! It was truly delicious, I haven’t finished it all yet…but I’m sure I will soon!

ST Signature Chocolate

Chef Amer then showed us how to make a delicate rose out of rolled white chocolate, it was impressive indeed.

Chef Amer

Looks real eh?

White Chocolate Rose

We all got a bit side-tracked in the packing room when we saw this ultra cool machine that sprays the expiry dates neatly onto the boxes…without touching them! We all started coding our arms and hands – sweet!

ST Expiry Date

The labourious packing process is all done by hand as well of course!

Packing by Hand

We headed back upstairs then to help Eiling test some new lines whilst we waited for our big bars to set…and for those who wanted it to have some Durian chocolate.

As you can see we had made a good dent in that HUGE box of chocolates.

Fidani Chocolates

Imagine they average about RM3-4 per piece!

Fidani Signature chocs, lovely.

Fidani Handmade Chocolate

They are available for special order too including branded chocs for corporate gigs and for wedding favours. All in all it was a very interesting and enjoyable outing, thanks Eiling for inviting us!

For more information and enquiries, call 03-5513 8823, email: info@fidani.cc or visit:


You can view the whole set here:

Fidani – Sept 07

Other people’s experience:

KY visits – Golden Ticket to Fidani Chocolate Factory
suanie and the fidani chocolate factory
I Can Has A Chocolate
David and the Chocolate Factory




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21 Responses to Fidani and The Chocolate Factory

  1. David October 6, 2008 at 12:47 am #

    choc making superheroes? more like surgeons lol!

  2. suanie October 6, 2008 at 12:56 am #

    awesome gourmet chocolates! you still have your stash? 😀 mine’s all gone baby gone!

  3. KY October 6, 2008 at 1:01 am #

    I have only one last precious box left, haighhh!

  4. ai-ling October 6, 2008 at 8:16 am #

    only 1 word: *drool*…

  5. Yiling October 6, 2008 at 8:53 am #

    I still got my whole bag untouched. Maybe eat and seen too much oredi. I shall auction my goodie bag off to you guys, starting at RM10 per box! LOL.

  6. eiling October 6, 2008 at 10:58 am #

    Thanks for coming everyone. The pictures are very nice indeed ST and your chocolate making skills not too bad too!

  7. eyeris October 6, 2008 at 12:07 pm #

    hey, I was there too! what am I, chopped liver? 😛

  8. Nicholas Leong October 6, 2008 at 2:18 pm #

    Hrmm he covered his hair but his janggut how leh? 😛 Just kidding..

    How come I wasn’t invited? I blog too hahaha

  9. chriso October 6, 2008 at 2:26 pm #

    so this is what you guys look like as nurses… hmmm i loike ;D

  10. jolene October 6, 2008 at 3:51 pm #

    i love chocolates!

  11. Huai Bin October 6, 2008 at 8:12 pm #

    I like your Shaolin master pose, but I prefer the flasher post with you and KY. Heh!

  12. hongyi86 October 6, 2008 at 11:33 pm #

    that rose looks real! when i first scrolled through ur post, i was wondering what u were doing, posting up a pic of a flower!

    what a great experience! did u get to stuff urself with a lotta cocoa that day? 🙂

    also, i thought it was funny how u’re writing a post on chocs n im giving out chocs on my blog, haha!

  13. Lynn October 7, 2008 at 12:20 am #

    Looks so fun! designing ur own chocolate!

  14. ShaolinTiger October 7, 2008 at 1:40 am #

    David: Same precision required when making chocolates..haha.

    suanie: One box left…but it’s not the Fidani, all the nice ones suda makan haha.

    ai-ling: Indeed, super nice!

    Yiling: Aiyooo so kiamsap…just give for freee one!

    eiling: Hehe thanks!

    eyeris: You were there as a journalist or a blogger leh? I thought the former..

    Nicholas Leong: Famous people one laaaa, cronyism rocks 😀

    Huai Bin: You like the perv look eh?

    hongyi86: Yah it was quite amazing! We got totally stuffed with chocs.

    Lynn: it was a lot of fun indeed.

  15. Michael Yip October 12, 2008 at 7:43 am #

    sigh… now i wanna go hunt for chocolates…<

  16. samantha October 12, 2008 at 3:51 pm #

    dear sir/madam/miss,

    may i know does Fidani Chocolate factory welcome students aged 6-12 for factory visit?

    thanks and good day..

    best regards,

  17. ShaolinTiger October 13, 2008 at 12:59 pm #

    Michael Yip: Mine all suda finish 🙁

    samantha: Why don’t you ask them…duh.

  18. Jane Lee January 26, 2009 at 12:26 am #

    Just wanna know how did you organize this outing? Can I have the same for children below 12?

  19. Ichigo September 8, 2010 at 2:09 pm #

    Seems funny
    btw, i just wanna know the girl’s name in the first photo

  20. ShaolinTiger September 17, 2010 at 2:32 pm #

    Ichigo: That’s Eiling.

  21. sarah August 20, 2011 at 1:29 am #

    Can you please email me the paperwork to visit the Fadini chocolate factory? I would like to make the same kind of programme for university problem. kindly email the paperwork to alphaxhelix@yahoo.com. I really appreaciate your help! 🙂

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